Friday, March 14, 2008

entry # 3 pictures

But not that looking;; :D
I want invisibleness and immortal power (never get old after 24 or 25). I don’t want to be changed in physically looking. However I want those qualities if I can have any qualities. I want those 2 because if I really become like god it will be very boring. No one can do something to me. If I only have those 2 qualities it will be very fun to live on the earth. I don’t want to die so early. It will be very fun if I have qualities of being invisible. If I can become invisible I will do many things. For example I will revenge on people who I hated, and I will do many fun things. I can’t tell what fun things are, because some fun things are very dangerous and some are not good. However those 2 things are the qualities that I want. If I can have one more quality I would have a quality of transporting (not transport but appearing in the place that i wanted immediately). It’s very tire to take KTX, buses, and trains to go somewhere. So those 2 or 3 things are the qualities I want.

entry # 2

Titans were the elder gods who ruled the world before they were overthrew by Zeus and his brothers and sisters. They were born from her mom, Gaia, and their father, Uranus. They overthrew their father and they became the first ruler of the world. The leader of Titans was Cronos, who is father of Zeus and his brothers, but he deceived by his sons. When Cronos died, many Titans were sealed in some place. They were sealed in some place but they got the opportunities to came out and they became the stars in the sky.

Mythology Godness Entry #1

Before the Zeus was born there was his father, Cronos. Both Gaia and Uranus, who were the parents of Cronos, foretold Cronos that he will be deceived by his sons. To avoid this Cronos ate all the sons who were born. Rhea, who was the wife of the Cronos, disguised a rock to his son, Zeus, and concealed Zeus in the secrete place. After Zeus grew up he saved his brothers and sisters from the Cronos and Cronos finally deceived by Zeus. Titians, who helped Cronos, were sealed. Zeus and Hercules have many differences. Zeus is immortal who never dies but Hercules is mortal who can dies. I think their personalities are very same, because their relationship is son and father. However Zeus uses thunder for his weapon and he is immortal. But Hercules uses knife or a spear and he is mortal.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

entry # 6

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or “fixed”?

There are many situations in the world that relate to the novel such as the sex slave trade, Rwanda, and Terrorism. People have beasties, or the darkness, in their heart like the children on the island. They have choices to do better just like Piggy chose to be better. The novel shows us that everyone have right to speak, to hold the conch. It’s about fairness. If people can find the way to speak rather than fight things might get better.

entry #5

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage

“And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy.”

This passage is the main idea of the book and perhaps the most important passage in this novel. Most of the children had lost their reason and became animals. So, the darkness of man’s heart was the evil that the children were capable of. Piggy, who was both reasonable and wise, symbolized the better way that the children could have lived on the island. In the end, Ralph realized that Piggy was his friend and he should have been treated him better. Once Piggy died all reason was lost.

entry # 4

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? why?

At the first, the mood of this novel was bright with passion. When the children fell into the island, they had passion to be rescued. However, as time went on, they became wilder, and the mood of story became brutal, and sad. I felt sad, when Piggy and Simon died, because they did nothing wrong and they were innocent. It was saddened by the change in the mood of the novel, because I wanted the children to do well and not hurt each other.

entry # 3

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events or this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel was when Piggy was killed. Piggy tried to persuade the children to be reasonable, but he had lost them. Roger pushed a big rock towards Piggy and Piggy fell to his death. Piggy’s death made me feel very sad, because I liked Piggy. He was wise and he was smart. He didn’t lose his reason. I wanted Piggy to persuade the children to not become the beastie.

entry # 2

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters in this novel are Piggy, Ralph, Jack, and Simon. I like Ralph, Piggy, and Simon, because, in general, they were the only ones who weren’t deprived of reason. Piggy symbolized reason, or the better way the children could act. Ralph reminds us that we are not perfect, even when we try hard. Simon was brave, innocent, and smart, and he was able to find the truth about the beastie, that it wasn’t real. Simon was the wisdom that the children didn’t have. Jack, however, lost his reason to the beastie. His character shows us what we can become with darkness in our hearts.

entry # 1

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living
in 2007?

I think the major theme of this novel is that everyone has a dark side inside. The children were a symbol of purity and righteousness. But when they were isolated, the dark side appeared. Most of them became wild, like an angry beast that can’t control himself, and they killed their friend without hesitation. How is it possible to kill a friend and not care about it; this theme is important to a teenager living in 2008. I think today’s environments are making teens wilder. When the shooting game came out, a guy in the army killed 5 people. Teens are smoking and taking drugs when they are below the age of 19. Perhaps, children are becoming more isolated, like on an unknown island.