Before the Zeus was born there was his father, Cronos. Both Gaia and Uranus, who were the parents of Cronos, foretold Cronos that he will be deceived by his sons. To avoid this Cronos ate all the sons who were born. Rhea, who was the wife of the Cronos, disguised a rock to his son, Zeus, and concealed Zeus in the secrete place. After Zeus grew up he saved his brothers and sisters from the Cronos and Cronos finally deceived by Zeus. Titians, who helped Cronos, were sealed. Zeus and Hercules have many differences. Zeus is immortal who never dies but Hercules is mortal who can dies. I think their personalities are very same, because their relationship is son and father. However Zeus uses thunder for his weapon and he is immortal. But Hercules uses knife or a spear and he is mortal.